...killed trying to enter the Ag Fields.
Their mangled corpses were dismembered,
and thrown into the thresher, forming a gooey
red pulp to be distributed along the tree roots.
People've got to wonder how that's going to nourish
the plants that these psychos are growing...
It's seven thirty, now, time for Long Tooth Jack
and his bum rush reports.
This was One Eyed Jim with your curfew hour news.
Remember, boys and girls:
If it's red, shoot it 'til it's dead;
if it's gray, run away;
and if it's black, don't come back.
Good night, and lock up tight.
Chipper Voice: We interrupt this program to bring you a word from our sponsors:
Do do do, de do do do. Da da dum, deedle do.
Un ts! Un ts! Un ts!
Let's give it uuup!
Un ts! Un ts! Un ts!
For Soylent brand gelatin!
Un ts! Un ts! Un ts!
Now in green, red, and gold!
Un ts! Un ts! Un ts!
Do do do, de do do do. Da da dum, deedle do.
Chipper Voice, becoming progressively more unstable: And now back to your
Regularly scheduled *slobbering, vicious roar* TRAAASH HEEEAP!
Snicklesnack, this is Long Tooth Jack,
and I'm here to bring you the groovin'
tunes of the late seventies, and some
bum rush reports from near the Slums.
If you're there, don't despair,
Because Android Bill's got Pretty Ladies
on discount. Fifty percent off Maltovs
and thirty percent off of anything with
a handle. The latest news is that a man
named Mike got rushed near the
subways. Didn't Jack tell you somebody was goin'
down, uptown? *static.*
If you're there...don't despair.
If you're *static* don't despair.
*Children's singing.*
It's a small world after all.
It's a small world after all.
It's a small world after all...
*Back and forth between five or six
different, masculine voices. They sound
distorted and interrupted, like somebody's
clicking through the channels on a television.*
And you'll all die soon.
It's a world of gatling guns,
A world of pain.
It's a world of mall cops,
And fresh blood stains.
If you can't take a fist,
Then, you better not enlist,
'Cause Kelley will eat your face!
*Children's voices take back over.*
It's a small world after all.
It's a small world after all.
It's a small world after all,
and you'll all die s-*static...*

Getting Started:

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Rules and Regulations:

Just another page in the book. We know you're groaning, and nobody's forcing you to read them, but [remember] ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

by Brutality Benchmark
May 11, 2010 13:48:43 GMT -5
No New Posts Announcements!:

If there's anything that the people of this forum need to know, as a whole, it'll be posted here. You should check it out every once in a while, just to make sure you aren't getting left behind or left out of anything.

Sub-boards: Site Updates | Major Events

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

Sub-boards: Site Updates:, Major Events:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Character Registration:

Start filling up the city with your mind-children. We're itching to get to know them.

Sub-boards: Canons | Pending Applications | Accepted Applications | Denied Applications | Get a Life [Claims]

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

Sub-boards: Canons:, Pending Applications:, Accepted Applications:, Denied Applications:, Get a Life :

18 18 Serra Deneath
by Serra Deneath
Jun 10, 2010 3:18:53 GMT -5
No New Posts Plotting:

This is where you can develop story lines for your characters, or request RP from other members. Post up a plot page, and watch it get some hits. This is also the place you should post if you have an open thread, and would like somebody to reply to it.

Sub-boards: Main Story Plot Discussions | Sub Plots | Group Plotting | OneXOne Plotting | Plot Ideas

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

Sub-boards: Main Story Plot Discussions:, Sub Plots:, Group Plotting:, OneXOne Plotting:, Plot Ideas:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Everything You Need to Know, Dollface:

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Things You Need to Know:

Lost? Have no clue what the Big Bad Red is, or why on Earth people keep saying 'Grays' and 'Blacks' when referring to certain groups? Don't know what your member class means, or what, exactly, you're doing? Click here, and start brushing up on our Mid-Apocalyptic Earthiverse.

Moderators: Long Tooth Jack, One Eyed Jim

4 12 The Social Norm [Guide to Society]:
by One Eyed Jim
May 9, 2010 15:01:57 GMT -5
No New Posts Radio Archives:

There's a show that comes on your radio every night. It's bangin', it's swingin', it's groovin', and it's jammin'. It's got all the information that you'll need about what's happening where, and who's getting shot up with bullets and drugs. Don't miss out, or you'll be a day late and a dollar short. And you can't afford to waste time or money.

Moderators: Long Tooth Jack, One Eyed Jim

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

The Uppercrust of the Underworld:

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Briar Rose Housing:

This neighborhood is the neighborhood. If you've got fine hair, fine teeth, fine nails, and even finer tastes, this is the place for you. You'll notice that all of the houses are made in the same grand fashion: Gray stone, Tudor Era, dark red shingles, dark red shutters. They're the type of homes that might remind a person of rows of castles, made for the type of people that belong in them. White picket fences and perfectly paved driveways abound. In a city where there's been a drought going on, Briar Rose Housing has green grass, and timed sprinklers. The pools behind the homes are filled up with cold, clear water. Everything truly is Uppercrust.

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: The Roland Estate:, Mansion For Sale:, Calabressi Manor:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Uppercrust Main Block:

We already know that you've got a taste for the finer things in life, and this is the place to hit the shops. You'll find only the best wares inside of these stores: The best clothing, the best shoes, the best biohazard outfits, and the most stylish anything that you can desire. Not only that, but there are restaurants here that would make any person's mouth water with excitement.

Sub-boards: Everything Armani

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-board: Everything Armani:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Silver Shadow Symposium:

A bar so fancy you need a reservation three months in advance. Bouncers patrol the entryways, and Black Sticks lurk around corners. A balcony looms majestically above the double doored entryway, a shimmering romantic atmosphere among the gray skies and acid rain. Rumor has it, if you're In The Know, even a piece of Scum can enjoy the fine wines and other sinful pleasures of this high-class jazz club. But, you know how reliable rumors are, don't you?

Sub boards: Balcony Romance | Private Parties

Moderator: Esque DaggerHair

Sub-boards: Balcony Romance, Private Parties

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Roosevelt Prepatory School:

Just because the country's gone to utter crap doesn't mean that there aren't children in need of teaching, and this is where all of the Fat Cat kids go to learn. The building is two stories, and made of cement. There aren't very many security guards around, because not many are needed. All of the landscaping is perfection, and the windows are perfectly polished.

Sub-boards: Oak Tree | Cafeteria | Library | Classrooms | Principal's Office | Counselor's Office

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Oak Tree:, Cafeteria:, Library:, Classrooms:, Principal's Office:, Counselor's Office:

1 5 The Slumming Queen and Her Court: [Finished]
by Esque DaggerHair
May 20, 2010 13:32:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Uppercrust Subway:

Just because the subway goes through here doesn't mean you have to use it, Fat Cat. And we suggest that you don't. You know what they say. No? You don't? Something about cats and curiosity.

Sub-boards: Public Restrooms | Platform

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Public Restrooms:, Platform:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Black Stick District:

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Black Stick Police Department:

Made of ugly gray brick, and surrounded by a six foot, barbed-wire lined, crumbling stone wall, this building is the epitome of ominous. It's seven stories high, and all of the white blinds inside of the barred windows are drawn so tightly shut that there's no way light or disease can get in. Somebody might mistake it for the Black Powder Penitentiary, except for the lack of agonized screams, and the twenty-three shiny blue and white Cruisers parked outside in perfectly measured lines. A few brave Hooligans have tagged the walls and the sidewalks outside with pictorial and linguistic obscenities.

Sub-board: Inside of the Building

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-board: Inside of the Building:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Juvenile Detention Center:

Been in trouble at school a few too many times? Got caught stabbing some kid on the playground for his lunch money? Hold up a Dollar Store, but you're too young for them to do anything about it? This is the place where they'll throw you: In with the girl who did a few too many recreational drugs, the boy who set the church on fire, and some kid who brought brass knuckles to school. We're sure you'll fit in perfectly.

Sub-boards: Girls' Dorms | The Yard | Library | Classrooms | Cafeteria | Principal's Office | Counselor's Office | Boys' Dorms

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Girls' Dorms:, The Yard:, Library:, Classrooms:, Cafeteria:, Principal's Office:, Counselor's Office:, Boys' Dorms:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Shady Creek Apartment Complex:

It isn't much, right? But it's home to anybody who's got enough money in their pocket to fork out monthly rent. The walls are so thin that a person can hear the next door neighbor snoring at night. The air conditioning breaks regularly, but the maintenance is free, and that should be heaven compared to what the rest of the people are going through. You've got clean water, here, and electricity that doesn't cut out unless you forget to pay the bill.

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts The Unholy Fountain - LPW Memorial:

Lawrence Prentice White was a police officer: A tried and true upstanding member of society. He wasn't corrupt, like the officials of this day and age. No. He was lawful good at its very shining brightest. He saved countless lives and racked up countless awards... Enough of them to get himself a memorial built after he was burned to death in his home by an arsonist. At one point in time, the water in the fountain was as crystal-clear-pure as LPW, himself. Now? Grimy black water pours from its spigots--as inky as the corruption within the system. This iron fountain is oddly out of place among the rusted alleys, tall cement buildings, barred windows, and blood-stained curbs. The water may be nasty, but it's free. Bathing in and drinking of the fountain is prohibited [so don't get caught doing it]. Any perpetrators caught praying during a raid go directly to the Penitentiary. Do not pass Go, do not collect 200$, and report to the showers.

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Black Stick Subway:

It's just another stop along the subway line, and it's more heavily guarded than the rest. You have to show some form of identity to get off at this train stop. They don't want just anybody wandering onto state property.

Sub-boards: Public Restrooms | Platform

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Public Restrooms:, Platform:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Black Powder Penitentiary:

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts The Pen:

Two four story buildings made of cement, bars, and bullet-proof glass, surrounded by yards and yards of stainless steel barbed wire on top of eight foot stone walls. All of the gates are lovingly wired to shock on contact, and are electrically-powered. You need to know codes and have a badge to do anything that involves getting around the building. Even prisoners have a badge... tattooed into their right forearm. In order to get around in the prison, you have to scan your arm under the scanners beside the doors. Congratulations on being incarcerated, cueball: You're now packaged and labelled. NOTE: The two different buildings are men's and women's. Whenever you write a thread inside of the Penitentiary area, please designate whether or not the thread is a men's thread, or a women's thread. This is best done by putting [MP] or [FP] in the thread title. Thank you.

Sub-boards: Induction | Cafeteria | Doctor's Office | Library | --Aholics Anonymous Meeting Room | Cellblock A [Floor 1] | Cellblock B [Floor 2] | Cellblock C [Floor 3] | Guards' Office

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Induction:, Cafeteria:, Doctor's Office:, Library:, --Aholics Anonymous Meeting Room:, Cellblock A :, Cellblock B :, Cellblock C :, Guards' Office:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts The Yard:

This is where you'll enjoy recreational activities under the careful watch of thirteen well-spaced, well-placed, well-trained guards, who've got rifles in their hands, and shiny black aviators on their faces. If you start a fight, they probably won't do anything about it. They like placing bets, and seeing who'll win. If it escalates too far, they'll unfortunately have to shoot you, tase you, or beat you unconscious . Yes. That 'unfortunately' was sarcasm. Yes. They would enjoy shooting, tasing, or beating you. No. Nobody would care. NOTE: Co-ed.

Sub-boards: Basketball Court | The Wall | Weights | Busting Your Rocks | Garden | Guards' Tower

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Basketball Court:, The Wall:, Weights:, Busting Your Rocks:, Garden:, Guards' Tower:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Maximum Security:

This is probably the most heavily-guarded part of the prison, except for the Warden's garden, and would be the hardest to break out of. It's located behind multiple electrically-opened doors, and the guards on post are always awake. NOTE: Co-ed.

Sub-boards: Solitary Confinement | Maximum Security Cells | Warden's Office

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Solitary Confinement:, Maximum Security Cells:, Warden's Office:

1 2 КЭ
by Vitlag
Jan 25, 2020 19:58:05 GMT -5

Uptown Down:

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Uptown Down, Main Block:

This is where you'll find second-rate clothing stores, crummy little bars, and "franchised theme-restaurants with artificial, possessive-case names like McTuckey's or O'Dooligan's".

Sub-boards: Bright Side Inn & Pub | O'Sweeney's Joint | Devious' Soul Shop

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Bright Side Inn & Pub:, O'Sweeney's Joint:, Devious' Soul Shop:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Foodcourtia:

"Hey, let's go to That Pizza Place." "What pizza place?" "That Pizza Place, the one in the Food Court block." "Ew, that place sucks, let's go get some bagels instead." "For dinner? Th' fuck's wrong with you? I'm getting some pizza, you can fend for yourself." "Fuck you too, man!"

Yeah, that's about all we can tell you about Foodcourtia. So long as you've got some cash to pay, you're welcome to wander and mix and match, just remember not to piss off the cashier, man, they tell the cooks to spit in the food.

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Veganville:, That Pizza Place, X's Candy Carousel:, Viva Las Bagels

1 1 Tasty Joygasm!
by Esque DaggerHair
Jun 11, 2010 23:56:32 GMT -5
No New Posts The Ritz - Hotel:

This hotel is older than dirt, and it's full of every kind of infestation that you can think up--roaches, rats, and mice. They skitter through the walls, and nibble on the trash. Windows are boarded up, or covered with cardboard boxes. The carpet's stained, even though the janitor tries to keep it as clean as possible. The good thing about this place, is it offers protection from storms, and houses a large number of people. An older inventor-type even put an electricity generator inside of the building, so that the residents can see what they're doing. The water pipes creak and rattle, and cough up rusty water. No rent is required, though the 'manager' would appreciate it if you donated a little time or effort into making the Ritz a better shelter. You can bring in anything you find to spruce your room up, but you'll never get rid of the rats.

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Android Bill's:

Most Black Sticks consider Bill's block Bad Town territory. They'd go in and do patrols, but Officers who wander in tend to never come back. A shoddy little shop on the main block of Uptown Down. The windows are smudged with dirt, and a blue and red neon 'Open' sign flickers intermittently just below a sign that reads, "Android Bill's got the cure for your ills!" They aren't Armani, but he's got gasmasks. They aren't Gucci, but he's got biohazard suits and protective helmets. If you look convincing, enough, and know how to sweet talk, he might take you into his basement.

Sub-board: The Undergound

Sub-board: The Underground:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Colonel Smith's Educational Facility:

This school is run-down, to say the least. It's made of shoddy red brick, and the windows look like they were ground against with a sander. The grass is crackly when you walk across it, and it's a funny shade of yellow-brown. Security guards? By the bucket-loads. You can't get it or out without flashing a school badge, walking through a metal detector, and having some fat guy in a rent-a-cop uniform dig through your backpack.

Sub-boards: Basketball Court | Cafeteria | Library | Classrooms | Principal's Office | Counselor's Office

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Basketball Court:, Cafeteria:, Library:, Classrooms:, Principal's Office:, Counselor's Office:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Christ Is With You - Cathedral:

The most noticeable thing about this building is its height. After that, it's all of the broken stained glass windows, and the sign out front that says 'Christ is With You'. Underneath the sign, in bright red spray paint, somebody's written "NO HE ISN'T!". A few people camp out here, sometimes, and every once in a while, you can catch the odd bible thumper praying at the decrepit alter inside.

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

1 6 Father, please forgive sins forged at the pulpit
by Mirella Calabressi
May 20, 2010 21:43:52 GMT -5
No New Posts Abandoned Tracks:

You know what they said about the Y2K bug? Well, it's true, five different trains arrived at the same time and collided in a horrible knot of passenger wagons, box cars, exploding glass, and spilled uranium. What's a little radiation between friends, right?

Sub-board: Box Cars and Rusty Shivs

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-board: Box Cars and Rusty Shivs:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Uptown Down Subway:

Rumbling. Screeching. Wailing down the tracks. The subway's your best bet for getting around underneath the Black Sticks' noses, because it's basically been taken over by the Jail Birds, Homeless, and other miscreants. Sure, a few Fat Cats take a joyride, every once in a while, but they usually come out worse for the wear, and sweating bullets.

Sub-board: Subway Sanitarium | Public Restrooms | Platform

Moderators: Brutality Benchmark, Officer Kelley

Sub-boards: Subway Sanitarium:, Public Restrooms:, Platform:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Power Plant:

The Plant's been around for as long as anybody can remember, sending wafts of toxic smoke up into the once-blue sky. It's all smog, now, but nobody seems to notice, because that's the way that it's always been. If you were to show somebody a picture of a blue sky, they'd probably stare at it with wide eyes, and ask what the picture was of. The Plant's happenings are mostly a mystery to the people, all except for the people who work inside, but they're sworn to secrecy about anything to do with the Plant. Sounds kind've like a cult, doesn't it?

Sub-boards: Playground | Offices and Workshops | Testing Ground | Security Office

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

Sub-boards: Playground, Offices and Workshops, Testing Ground, Security Office

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Robotics Annex:

This is the robotics section of the Plant. A lot of shouting and whirring comes from this general area. It's also known for its large number of explosions. If the Firemen aren't on their way to the main part of the Plant, then they're probably on their way to the Robotics Annex.

Sub-boards: Assembly Line | Computer Lab | Testing Facility | Security Office

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

Sub-boards: Assembly Line:, Computer Lab:, Testing Facility:, Security Office:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Genetics Annex:

This is probably the mose inhumane section of the Plant. It's where all of the grisly stuff takes place. This is also where they find new cures for old diseases, and new diseases that need new cures. A lot of rumors circulate around this annex. People say that they've been kidnapping Bod Modders and researching them. Watch your back, squid-fingers.

Sub-boards: Animal Testing | Human Testing | Operation Room | Security Office

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

Sub-boards: Animal Testing:, Human Testing:, Operation Room:, Security Office:

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Windmill Forest:

This flock of giant white windmills is constantly turning in order to generate the massive amounts of energy needed to power the Plant and its subsidiaries. The grass doesn't grow on the hills at their bases. There's something kind of eerie and dreamish about the slow-turning blades in the heat, and a lot of high school and college kids think that it's 'cool' to risk growing tentacles so that they can have a picnic in 'the forest'.

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

The Slums:

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Shanty Town:

An abandoned industrial field, the Shanty Town is a valley of cardboard boxes, refrigerators, couches, televisions. The Homeless Hierarchy is vicious, full of usurpers trying to steal the biggest and least moldy box. Jail Birds reign with iron fists and rusty knives.

2 10 Housekeeping
by Serra Deneath
Jun 15, 2010 15:25:14 GMT -5
No New Posts Tin Cans 'R' Us:

Steel picnic tables, plastic cutlery, flimsy aluminum trays, and a heavily guarded barbed wire line. Cutting is not permitted, seconds allowed only to the pregnant, rioters will be shot. The only soup kitchen in town, behave or lose your foot.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Salvation Urination Army:

Got your narc stubs handy? Good, good. We recently acquired a shipment of old laundry from the prison, and boy do we have a deal for you! Some boots we dredged up from the sewers are almost as good as new, only fifteen stubs! What? That's enough to buy a week's worth of food? Well, what are you, poor or something?

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Homeless Hospice:

A 50ft square lean to made of ribbed aluminum, supported by old street signs and an abandoned rat trap factory. Beds are seperated by ratty plastic shower curtains, and the doctors don't speak a lick of English. Third World Medicine at it's best, ask for Fernando, his fingers are warm.

1 5 We're All Hurting, Baby [Finished]:
by Rottanger Howell
May 13, 2010 10:37:46 GMT -5
No New Posts Death's Ditch:

An enormous rain collection flume, too bad there's been a drought for the past fifty years, it separates the Slums from the ag farms - trespassers will be used as mulch - it's the perfect ditch to crawl into and die. What bum could ask for more?

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Out of Character:

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Suggestions:

NOW. We can't promise to take your suggestions, but we do promise to look them over, and consider them [if we're in a good mood]. Got a building you'd like to see thrown up? Got an OOC board you'd like for us to make? Got a new Member Class, or just something spunky and spontaneous that we didn't think of?! Come on in, slide on up, sit yourself down. WE LOVE IDEAS.

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Absences and Returns:

If you're going to be gone, it'd be nice if you told us so in this board. It'll save us hours, days, and weeks of thinking that you've been abducted by aliens or, worse, eaten by Velociraptors.

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

1 1 Cardboard boxes!
by Mirella Calabressi
May 12, 2010 21:33:19 GMT -5
No New Posts OOC Chat:

Go ahead and give us all of the nitty-gritty details about your dog throwing up. You know you want to.

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Bored Games:

All of those shnazzy board games that you've seen on other forums, and then some.

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Advertising:

This board is guest friendly. It's for posting advertisements for your boards. We don't expect you to affiliate with us, but if you'd like to, contact one of the staff about it.

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts IC Archives:

Want to blow the dust off of an old roleplay thread and read it? No need to look further!

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts OOC Archives:

Looking to relive the hilarity of a certain 'bout of OOC banter? We've got just what you're looking for.

Moderator: Brutality Benchmark

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.


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